Sunday, October 18, 2015

Chapter 14: Marketing Channels and Retailing

Throughout all retail environments, whether small rural stores or large global chains, Colgate works closely with all retail partners to share expertise and provide shoppers with the best value and service. Colgate engages with customers  worldwide by sharing unique shopper insights, providing innovative in-store marketing communications and merchandising techniques, and developing and executing joint business planning initiatives. These activities ensure the right product assortment at each location and help to make shopping a consumer-friendly, enjoyable experience that drives increased sales for both Colgate and the retailer.

Joint business planning is just one way Colgate is strengthing relations with retail partners. For example, in Europe Colgate hosted oral care workshops with several major retailers. Colgate discussed specific plans by brand to address business opportunities and challenges.The retailers provided  feedback, and the teams worked together to develop action plans. As a result, Colgate's market shares in toothpaste and manual toothbrushes in Europe grew 80 basis points and 120 basis points, respectively, for the year. 

Colgate noticed how much of a difference this tactic made and decided to extend workshops to both the personal care and home care products.


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